星期五, 2月 12, 2021

Deploy the LibreNMS-Ubuntu-20.04 OVA into VMware Workstation

Deploy the LibreNMS-Ubuntu-20.04 OVA into VMware Workstation

1. Download the OVA from the LibreNMS site

2. Import the OVA into VMware Workstation

3. Virtual Machine Settings => Network Adapter => Bridge:Connected directly to the physical network

4. Now just login with the librenms CDne3fwdfds


6. Network Setting:

   6.1  ip a

    6.2 cat /etc/netplan/*.yaml           

     6.3 sudo vim /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

      6.4 Edit network config file
      6.5 sudo netplan try


7. Now you can run “ip address” to get the IP, then browse to it and login with
librenms / D32fwefwef



找到要修改的時區名稱後,接下就是以 sudo 權限執行以下命令

sudo timedatectl set-timezone 要修改的時區名稱

例如要將系統修改為台北時區 Asia/Taipei,請輸入

sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Taipei

使用 timedatectl 指令確認時區是否正確修改


How to deploy the VirtualBox LibreNMS OVA into VMware ESXI